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Working group Critical Geographies of Global Inequalities

Acting Diversity Sensitive

The event series “Diversitätssensibel agieren in Bildung & Hochschule” (“Acting Diversity Sensitive in Education & University”)

In the summer semester of 2021, the event series “Diversitätssensibel agieren in Bildung & Hochschule” (“Acting Diversity Sensitive in Education & University”) took place and addressed employees and students of the Institute of Geography and the University of Hamburg with diverse formats and topics.

The series explored the concept of ‘Diversity’ in everyday work and study, teaching and research through lectures, panel discussions, interactive exercises and workshops. The program was aimed at interested individuals from higher education/university and educational contexts. We hope to contribute to raising awareness through the reports and experiences from different practical contexts!

Organizers: Martina Neuburger, Sonja Kanemaki, Jorid Lange (Institute of Geography, University of Hamburg)

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