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Working group Critical Geographies of Global Inequalities


Call for Theses

Highlight, Teaching, Unkategorisiert

Spaces of History and Active Remembrance: The Goldbekhaus in Winterhudeas part of the city’s culture of remembrance...

Annual meeting of the Working Group AK Abya Yala: Ruralities – Territorialities – Colonialities

Event, Highlight

AK Abya Yala – Latin America in Hamburg on 27 – 29 June 2024 Content, Programme and Registration – Languages: Spanish, Portuguese, German,...

Yuki~you. A Flow Motion of Critical Mapping

Highlight, Teaching

In the flow-motion film produced by the student collective kartattack, we go on an adventurous journey around critical mapping with Yuki, a little monster...

OUT NOW! Artographies – Creative-artistic approaches to power-critical spatial research

Highlight, Publication

Creative-artistic methods create spaces for forms of knowing, (re)learning, remembering and acting that question dominant and spatialized power relations....



Create your own Animated Film – 2-Day Workshop for Kids “Once upon a time there was a river called the Elbe…” Are you looking for...

PART 2: geographic post/colonial. How world is created from maps and pictures

Event, Unkategorisiert

On Friday 21.4. at 6:00 p.m. our exhibition "geographically post/colonial - How world is created from maps and images" was opened at the Altonaer Museum....

An Ordinary City Guide

Event, Publication, Teaching, Unkategorisiert

Final report of the excursion “Ordinary Cities: City(s) in Southern Germany” (Summer Semester 2021) With the term Ordinary Cities, geographer...

Body Territories


The research project "Körper-Territorien obdach- und wohnungsloser Frauen*" ("Body Territories of Homeless Women*") by Dr. Katharina Schmidt was funded...


Event, Publication

We are planning on publishing an anthology on artistic-creative methods at the end of 2023. Exhibition pages for the anthology were designed in a workshop....

“Geographie rassismuskritischer unterrichten” (Teaching Geography in a more Racism-Critical Way)

Highlight, Publication

The digital learning portal "Geographie rassismuskritischer unterrichten" ("Teaching Geography in a More Racism-Critical Way") offers support for teachers...

geografisch post/kolonial (geographical post/colonial)


How Maps and Pictures create World: Maps and pictures say more than a thousand words. Without words, they tell us stories about the world. Although they...

Parklet Project


The Parklet project is about future ideas for public space. We ask ourselves what human-environment relationships can take place in the city. In the course...

Acting Diversity Sensitive


In the summer semester of 2021, the event series "Diversitätssensibel agieren in Bildung & Hochschule" ("Acting Diversity Sensitive in Education &...

Atlas 2020

Publication, Teaching

As part of the methods seminar "Kritische Kartographien" ("Critical Cartographies"), student projects have produced six mappings on different thematic...

Cuerpo Territorio


Cuerpo-Território / Body-Territory – in Dialogue between Latin American & German Feminist Geographies The workshop took place on July 12, 2019...

Decolonial “Revolutions of Everyday Life”


Workshop – Dekoloniale “Revolutionen des Alltags” (Decolonial “Revolutions of Everyday Life”) Food for thought & exchange...

Green Colonialism?


Lecture and discussion on nature conservation in Africa between militarization, loss of biodiversity and colonial continuities....

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