on Friday 21.4. at 6:00 p.m. our exhibition “geographically post/colonial – How world is created from maps and images” opened at the Altonaer Museum (see info below).
We – the working group “Critical Geographies of Global Inequalities” (AG KGGU) – have revised our exhibition from the Geomatikum and added many new elements. The Kartattack collective also showed a flow-motion film about the Elbe River.
We are happy with the numerous attendance at the opening. Who has not made it, still has until 24.07. the possibility to visit the exhibition in the Altona Museum free of charge.
Many greetings
The exhibition at the Altona Museum
The exhibition runs from APRIL 19 – JULY 24, 2023 and admission is free.
The exhibition “geografisch post/kolonial – Wie aus Karten und Bildern Welt entsteht” (“geographic post/colonial. How World Emerges from Maps and Images”) invites visitors to creatively and interactively recognize colonial continuities in images and maps and identify ruptures. Since the 19th century, there are numerous pictures and maps in Hamburg geography that can be found today in school textbooks and other representations of various places and people. With a critical look at these objects, however, it becomes apparent that although they shape our view of the world, they never show a reflection of reality. Rather, they are man-made. What is behind these objects? What stories of the world do they tell? Which ones are missing? Critical cartographers show us how we can create a more just and livable world.
This is also the case with the student collective Kartattack, which has produced a flow-motion film for the exhibition that invites young people in particular to try out map-making and thus to take on power themselves, to describe spaces and to shape world views.