Learning Portal “Teaching Geography Critical of Racism.”
Sonja Kanemaki & Luisa Nerlich
Time Period: 2023
Own Funds
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Creative Riverine Ecologies
Katrin Singer
Time Period: 2022-Ongoing
Own Funds
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Postkolonialer Baakenhafen (Postcolonial Baakenhafen)
Katharina Schmidt
Time Period: 2022-Ongoing
Own Funds
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Mapping philanthrocapitalism in HNX
Katharina Schmidt (PI)
Time Period: 2022-Ongoing
Own Funds
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Rebonding Worldings. Multiepisteme Reconfigurations to Overcome Ontological Boundaries of Being and Caring between Humans and Nature through Art, Communities and Science.
Katrin Singer (PI); Helene Heuer & in collaboration with Cornelia Funke
Time Period: 2021-2022
University of Hamburg, Ideen- und Risikofonds (Ideas and Risk Fund), Exzellenzstrategie von Bund und Ländern (Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments)
Körper-Territorien kartieren mit obdach- und wohnungslosen Frauen (Mapping Body Territories with Homeless Women)
Katharina Schmidt (PI)
Time Period: 2021-2022
University of Hamburg, Frauenförderfonds (Women's Promotion Fund)
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“Diversitätssensibel agieren in Forschung und Lehre – Veranstaltungsreihe” (Diversity-Sensitive Action in Research and Teaching – Series)
Martina Neuburger (PI) Sonja Kanemaki Jorid Lange; &
Time Period: 2021
University of Hamburg
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Highlands – Inklusive nachhaltige Entwicklung in Hochlandregionen (Highlands – Inclusive Sustainable Development in Highland Regions)
Oliver Bender; Fernando Ruiz Peyré (IFG Innsbruck); Martina Neuburger; Tobias Schmitt; Jana Lüdemann & Katrin Singer
Time Period: 2020-2025
EU Horizon 2020
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Feminizid Mapping in Deutschland? (Feminicide Mapping in Germany?)
Katharina Schmidt (PI); Insa Puchert & Veronica Restrepo Lopez
Time Period: 2020-2021
University of Hamburg, Own Funds/Research Learning
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Geographieunterricht rassismuskritisch gestalten – Sensibilisierung von Lehramtsstudierenden für den Umgang mit heterogenen Lerngruppen (Lehrlabor) (Designing Geography Lessons Critical of Racism – Sensitizing Students in Teaching Education for Dealing with Heterogeneous Learning Groups (Teaching Laboratory))
Martina Neuburger (PI); Sonja Kanemaki; Katrin Singer; Sandra Sprenger & Cooperation Corinna Humuza
Time Period: 2019-Ongoing
University of Hamburg, Lehrlabor (Teaching Laboratory) (partial)
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Climate Change and Rural Communities: Perceptions, Vulnerability and Adaptation Strategies, Cauca, Colombia
Juan Fernando Mendoza Ledezma
Time Period: 2019-Ongoing
Own Funds
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CLICCS C2 – Climate, Climate Change and Society – Projekt C2: Szenarien für nachhaltige Landnutzung: Böden, Biodiversität, Wasser, Nahrungsmittel- und Energiesicherheit (Project C2: Scenarios for Sustainable Land Use: Soils, Biodiversity, Water, Food and Energy Security)
Annette Eschenbach; Michael Köhl; Martina Neuburger; Uwe Schneider & Carlos Tello
Time Period: 2019-2025
Excellence Cluster of the DFG (German Research Foundation)
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CLICCS – Climate, Climate Change and Society – Projekt B1: Klimazukünfte werden sozial konstruiert (Project B1: Climate Futures are socially constructed)
Michael Brüggemann; Simone Rödder; Michael Schnegg; Tobias Schmitt & Jana Lüdemann
Time Period: 2019-2025
Excellence Cluster of the DFG (German Research Foundation)
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Geografisch post/kolonial (Geographically post/colonial). How the World is Created from Maps and Images
Martina Neuburger (PI); Corinna Humuza; Sonja Kanemaki; Katrin Singer; Carsten Gräbel & Anna-Maria Woszczyk
Time Period: 2018-Ongoing
partly anniversary fund of the University of Hamburg.
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AV.MAP: Community based Tourism und Trekkingskarten am Mount Kenya (AV.MAP: Community based Tourism and Trekking Maps at Mount Kenya)
Martina Neuburger (PI); Ernst Steinecke (PI) (University of Innsbruck) & Armin Heller (PI) (University of Innsbruck)
Time Period: 2015-2017
FFG, Austria
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Proyecto apoyo a alianzas productivas – PAAP/ Project to support productive alliances, Colombia
Juan Fernando Mendoza Ledezma
Time Period: 2014
Eigene Mittel
Wasserbedarf und Wasserverfügbarkeit aus Gletscherschmelze im tropischen Callejón de Huaylas, Peru – Eine gemeinsame Fallstudie von Humangeographie und Hydroglaziologie (Water Demand and Availability from Glacial Melt in Tropical Callejón de Huaylas, Peru – A Joint Case Study of Human Geography and Hydroglaciology)
Martina Neuburger (PI); Georg Kaser (PI) (University of Innsbruck); Katrin Singer; Jana Lüdemann; Leona Faulstich & Wolfgang Gurgiser
Time Period: 2012-2014
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Ordinary Homeless Cities
Katharina Schmidt (PI)
Time Period: 2011-2017
Own Funds
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Alpintourismus im tropischen Ostafrika (Alpine Tourism in Tropical East Africa). Case Studies from the Mountainous Regions of Mt. Kenya, Kilimandscharo und Ruwenzorie
Martina Neuburger (PI) & Ernst Steinecke (PI)
Time Period: 2011-2012
University of Innsbruck, "Swarovski" Action
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Escenarios de alternativas de turismo en el área puntual del proyecto el Diquis, Costa Rica
Juan Fernando Mendoza Ledezma
Time Period: 2010-2011
Eigene Mittel
FremdTRaumA – Das lateinamerikanische Fremde im europäischen Eigenen (Foreign Trauma – The Latin American Foreign in the European Own).
Martina Neuburger (PI) Katrin Singer Silke Greth
Time Period: 2010-2011
University of Innsbruck, Promotion of Young Researchers
Pantelleria – Stirbt die Schwarze Perle des Mittelmeers? Sozioökonomischer Strukturwandel einer kleinen italienischen Insel (Pantelleria – Is the Black Pearl of the Mediterranean Dying? Socio-Economic Structural Change on a Small Italian Island)
Martina Neuburger (PI)
Time Period: 2010-2011
University of Innsbruck, "Hypo Tirol Bank" Action
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“Terras pretas (Amazonian Dark Earth) in Amazonien. Lokales Wissen, aktuelle Nutzung und Möglichkeiten nachhaltigen Managements” (Terras pretas (Amazonian Dark Earth) in Amazonia. Local knowledge, current use and opportunities for sustainable management)
Martina Neuburger (PI); Clemens Geitner (PI) & Richard Hastik
Time Period: 2009-2010
University of Innsbruck, "Swarovski" Action
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Pozuzo – Erhalt und Verfall deutscher Ethnizität am Ostrand der peruanischen Anden (Pozuzo – Preservation and Decay of German Ethnicity on the Eastern Rim of the Peruvian Andes)
Martina Neuburger (PI) Ernst Steinicke (PI) (University of Innsbruck)
Time Period: 2008-2009
University of Innsbruck
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Producción de compost a partir de residuos orgánicos para el Ingenio Castilla Industrial S.A. Colombia
Juan Fernando Mendoza Ledezma
Time Period: 2007-2009
Eigene Mittel