Katrin Singer
Katrin Singer
+49 40 42838-5202
Bundesstraße 55
20146 Hamburg (Germany)
Room: 734, Geomatikum
Consultation hours
By appointment
About me
Curriculum Vitae
Presentations / Workshops
Katrin’s geographical work is inspired by theoretical considerations such as intersectional feminism, critical cartography, political ecology, and post-, indigenous and decolonial theories. Using a spectrum of artistic, narrative, and cartographic methods (C/artography), she follows ethnographic traces and land-based research to explore forms of socio-ecological relationalities in unequal power relations. My favorite way to do this is along rivers and with young people on the Río Auqui (Peru) and the Tideelbe (Germany), or in teaching exchanges with students.
In addition, Katrin is in charge of the institute’s map collection. If you would like to browse here or are looking for a specific map, don’t hesitate to contact her. She recently published the anthology “Artographies” (Open Access) together with Katharina Schmidt and Martina Neuburger. The result of a long, creative and exciting process with many inspiring authors.
Since 2020
- PostDoc at the Institute of Geography, University of Hamburg. Working Group AG KGGU – Arbeitsgruppe “Kritische Geographien Globaler Ungleichheiten” (Critical Geographies of Global Inequalities)
- Research Associate & Doctoral Scholar, Title: Confluencing Worlds. Sketches on the Coloniality of Childhood, Nature and Research in the Callejón de Huaylas, Peru.
- Project collaborator in the DFG/FWF project “Water demand and water availability from glacial melt in tropical Callejón de Huaylas, Peru”, University of Hamburg, Germany.
- Lectureship at the Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck “Introduction to scientific work”.
- Collaborator in the project “FremdTRaumA – Das lateinamerikanische Fremde im europäischen Eigenen” at the Leopold Franzens-University-Innsbruck.
2008 – 2011
- Master’s degree in Global Change – Regional Sustainability at the Institute of Geography, Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck, Austria.
- Master’s thesis: Seeking Intermediate Spaces: Post/Colonial Negotiations of Indigeneities in the Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara/Mexico.
- Bachelor studies in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Institute of Geography, Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck, Austria.
- Academic year at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina as part of the study of geography at the University of Tübingen (Academic Exchange).
2003 – 2008
- Diploma studies “Geography of Developing Countries [sic!]” at the Department of Geography of the Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen (with the subsidiary subjects Political Science & Geology).
Reviews: Sustainability Science, Political Ecology, Geographica Helvetica, Geographische Zeitschrift
Schmidt, Katharina & Singer, Katrin (forthcoming): Visualität und Macht. - In: Netzwerk VisQual (Eds.): Handbuch Visualisierung Qualitativer Geographien. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.
Lüdemann, Jana; Neuburger, Martina; Lange, Jorid; Monama, Emma; Singer, Katrin; Schmitt, Tobias; Schmidt, Katharina; Tello, Carlos; Hartmann, Max & AG KGGU (forthcoming): Dekoloniale Geographien lehren und lernen? Revisited: Trial-and-Error Nr. 2. - In: Bading, Cornelia & Panenka, Petra (Eds.): Universität – Macht – Wissen: Postkoloniale, feministische und partizipative Perspektiven im Kontext akademischer Lehre. Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum.
2023Humuza, Corinna; Nixon, Christopher; Schmidt, Katharina & Singer, Katrin (2023): Ein Gespräch zum Verhältnis von Kunst und Raum. - In: Katrin Singer; Katharina Schmidt & Martina Neuburger (Eds.): Artographies – Kreativ-künstlerische Zugänge zu einer machtkritischen Raumforschung. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 39-54. Link to publication.
Singer, Katrin; Schmidt, Katharina & Neuburger, Martina (2023): Kritische artographies mit Hirn, Herz und Hand. Konzeptionelle Überlegungen und ein Wegweiser durch diesen Band. - In: Katrin Singer; Katharina Schmidt & Martina Neuburger (Eds.): Artographies – Kreativ-künstlerische Zugänge zu einer machtkritischen Raumforschung. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 9-38. Link to publication.
Singer, Katrin & Heuer, Helene (2023): Gegenkartieren. - In: Verena Schreiber, Eva Nöthen (Eds.): Transformative Geographische Bildung. Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum. Link to publication.
Singer, Katrin; Neuburger, Martina & Schmitt, Tobias (2023): Momente de/kolonialer Forschungspraxis. - In: Sybille Bauriedl, Inken Carstensen-Egwuom (Eds.): Geographien der Kolonialität. Geschichten globaler Ungleichheitsverhältnisse der Gegenwart (Sozial- und Kulturgeographie N°46), Bielefeld: transcript. Link to publication.
Singer, Katrin; Schmidt, Katharina & Neuburger, Martina (Eds.) (2023): Artographies. Kreativ-künstlerische Zugänge zu einer machtkritischen Raumforschung . Bielefeld: transcript Sozial- und Kulturgeographie, 59. Link to publication.
2022Singer, Katrin (2022): Emotionen und Affekte. - In: Daniela Gottschlich, Sarah K. Hackfort, Tobias Schmitt, Uta von Winterfeld (Eds.): Handbuch Politische Ökologie. Theorien, Konflikte, Begriffe, Methoden. Bielefeld: transcript (Edition Politik, 110), pp. 511–518. Link to publication.
Singer, Katrin & Keding, Michel (2022): Positionalität. - In: Daniela Gottschlich, Sarah K. Hackfort, Tobias Schmitt, Uta von Winterfeld (Eds.): Handbuch Politische Ökologie. Theorien, Konflikte, Begriffe, Methoden. Bielefeld: transcript (Edition Politik, 110), pp. 553–560. Link to publication.
Singer, Katrin & Neuburger, Martina (2022): Multiepistemisches Storytelling und kreativkünstlerische Methoden – ein Dialog aus Wortspielen und Schattengestalten. - In: Finn Dammann, Boris Michel (Eds.): Handbuch Kritisches Kartieren. Bielefeld: transcript (Sozial- und Kulturgeographie), pp. 99–111.
Schmidt, Katharina; Singer, Katrin & Neuburger, Martina (2022): Comics und Relief Maps als feministische Kartographien der Positionalität. - In: Finn Dammann, Boris Michel (Eds.): Handbuch Kritisches Kartieren. Bielefeld: transcript (Sozial- und Kulturgeographie), pp. 181-202.
Premchander, Saumya; Schmidt, Katharina & Singer, Katrin (2022): Mapping Stories of Mapping within Feminist Geography. Feministisches Geo-Rundmail N°89. Download PDF.
Kanemaki, Sonja; Singer, Katrin & Neuburger, Martina (2022): Handreichung: Reflexion von Othering im Geographieunterricht. Download PDF.
2021Neuburger, Martina; Schmidt, Katharina; Schmitt, Tobias & Singer, Katrin (2021): Postkoloniale Theorien und Post-Development-Ansätze. - In: Schneider-Sliwa, Rita & Braun, Boris & Helbracht, Ilse & Wehrhahn, Rainer (Eds.): Humangeographie. Das Geographische Seminar. Westermann. Braunschweig. pp. 527-532.
Rachuj, Lorena; Wegener, Karoline; Eigenbrodt, Finni; Fleischmann, Jenny; Gerbig, Ann Kathrin; Peters, Charlotte; Grodt, Kristina; Elices, Carlotta Haufe; Heuer, Helene; Soltau, Melina; Jordan, Max; Wulf, Jessica; Vöhler, Katharina; Stanetzek, Nils; Bohne, Marlin; Ziehm, Jakob; Windhaus, Lea; Erdmann, Una; Niemann, Malina; Schweizer, Paul & Singer, Katrin (2021): Atlas 2020. Seminararbeit. Link to publication.
2020Singer, Katrin (2020): Confluencing Worlds. Skizzen zur Kolonialität von Kindheit, Natur und Forschung im Callejón de Huaylas, Peru. Dissertation. Institut für Geographie, Universität Hamburg. Link to publication. Supervised by: Martina Neuburger
2019Singer, Katrin (2019): Un/Doing my white self during empirical research. - In: Feministisches Geo-RundMail N°80, pp. 85-86. Download PDF.
Arbeitsgruppe Kritische Geographien Globaler Ungleichheiten (AG KGGU) (2019): C/Artographies of Positionality. Or how we try to situate ourselves as an academic working group in Academia. - In: Kollektiv Orangotango+ (Ed.): This is not an Atlas: A Global Collection of Counter-Cartographies. Bielefeld: transcript (Social and Cultural Geography, N°26), pp. 294–299. Link to publication.
Arbeitsgruppe Kritische Geographien Globaler Ungleichheiten (AG KGGU) (2019): Die Ausstellung „geografisch post/kolonial: wie aus Karten und Bildern Welt entsteht“ als Hausaufgabe. - In: Feministisches Geo-RundMail N°80, pp. 98–101. Download PDF.
Schmidt, Katharina; Humuza, Corinna; Keding, Michel; Monama, Emma; Schmidt, Laura; Schmitt, Tobias & Singer, Katrin (2019): Teaching (de)colonial geographies – trial and error N°1. - In: Feministische GeoRundMail N°80, pp. 77–82. Link to publication.
2017Schmidt, Katharina & Singer, Katrin (2017): Aneignung von Räumen durch Visualisierung?. - In: Holger Jahnke, Antje Schlottmann, Mirka Dickel (Eds.): Räume visualisieren. Münster: Readbox Unipress in der Readbox Publishing GmbH (Geographiedidaktische Forschungen, 62), pp. 145–159. Link to publication.
Local Authorities from the villages of Ichoca, Coyllur, LLupa (Ancash/Peru); Singer, Katrin & Neuburger, Martina (): Waktsa Markallaa: My Poor Land. - In: guerrilla cartography (Ed.): Water. An Atlas. Alameda: Guerrilla Cartography, pp. 134-135. Link to publication.
2016Singer, Katrin (2016): “Tenemos mucho que decir, simplemente nadie escucha”- luchando por el (re)conocimento de lxs niñxs – mediante un mapeo participativo. - In: Hanne Cottyn, Javier Jahncke Benavente, Luis Montoya (Eds.): Las luchas sociales por la tierra en América Latina. Un análisis histórico, comparativo y global. With assistance of Alberto Acosta, Edwin Alejandro, Yamile Alvira. Primera edición. Lima: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Fondo Editorial, pp. 99–105. Link to publication.
Singer Katrin & Villari, Cristina (2016): Uniendo burbujas de pensamiento. Búsqueda de diálogo interdisciplinario entre una lingüista y una geógrafa sobre el trabajo con niños en una región de quechuahablantes. - In: INDIANA 33 (1), pp. 69-90. Link to publication.
Gurgiser, Wolfgang; Juen, Irmgard; Singer, Katrin; Neuburger, Martina; Schauwecker, Simone; Hofer, Marlis & Kaser, Georg (2016): Comparing peasants’ perceptions of precipitation change with precipitation records in the tropical Callejón de Huaylas, Peru. - In: Earth System Dynamics (7), pp. 499-515. Link to publication.
Neuburger, Martina & Singer, Katrin (2016): Bevölkerung und Sozialstruktur. Statistische Zahlen als eine machtvolle Erzählung. - In: Iken Paap, Friedhelm Schmidt-Welle, Peter Birle, Hans-Jürgen Brandt, Julia Buck (Eds.): Peru heute. Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur. Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert (Bibliotheca Ibero-Americana, 166), pp. 39–62.
Neuburger, Martina & Singer, Katrin (2016): Perus Bevölkerung: Das historische Gewordensein von Diskriminierungen und Privilegierungen. - In: Innsbrucker Studienkreis für Geographie (Ed.): Die Welt verstehen - eine geographische Herausforderung. Eine Festschrift der Geographie Innsbruck für Axel Borsdorf. Innsbruck: Geographie Innsbruck Selbstverlag (Innsbrucker Geographische Studien, Band 40), pp. 307–324. Link to publication.
2015Goschenhofer, Christina & Singer, Katrin (2015): Mexican Indigenities in Motion, Mexican Identites in Negotiation. - In: Martina Neuburger, H. Peter Dörrenbächer (Eds.): Nationalisms and identities among indigenous peoples. Case studies from North America. Oxford: Lang (Nationalisms across the Globe, 16), pp. 197–216.
Singer, Katrin & Greth, Silke (2015): “They can’t handle their freedom” – Kritische Perspektiven auf Adultismus. Ein kleiner Exkurs. - In: Feministisches Geo-RundMail, N°62, pp. 12-15. Link to publication.
2013Greth, Silke; Lührs, Ronja; Merklein, Anne; Neuburger, Martina; Schmidt, Katharina; Schmitt, Tobias; Singer, Katrin & (2013): Einleitung: Hamburger Symposium Geographie – „Entwicklungsländer“? Verwickelte Welten – Auf der Suche nach Norden und Süden. - In: Neuburger, Martina (Ed.): „Entwicklungsländer“? Verwickelte Welten - Auf der Suche nach Norden und Süden. Hamburg (Hamburger Symposium Geographie N°5).
2012Singer, Katrin (2012): „Mythen einer Nation“ Zu post-/kolonialen Verhandlungen von Indigenitäten in der Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara/Mexiko. - In: Geographica Helvetica N°67 (3), pp. 155-161. Link to publication.
2011Singer, Katrin (2011): Zwischen-Räume(n) suchend: Post-/koloniale Verhandlungen von Indigenitäten in der Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara/Mexiko. Masterarbeit. Institut für Geographie, Universität Innsbruck. Supervised by: Martina Neuburger
2008Singer, Katrin (2008): Geopolitische Leitbilder und Folgen im globalen Kontext. Bachelorarbeit. Institut für Geographie, Universität Innsbruck. Supervised by: Martina Neuburger
Lust auf mehr? - Klicke hier, um alle Publikationen zu sehen.
Rebonding Worldings. Multiepisteme Reconfigurations to Overcome Ontological Boundaries of Being and Caring between Humans and Nature through Art, Communities and Science.
Katrin Singer (PI); Helene Heuer & in collaboration with Cornelia Funke
Time Period: 2021-2022
University of Hamburg, Ideen- und Risikofonds (Ideas and Risk Fund), Exzellenzstrategie von Bund und Ländern (Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments)
Highlands – Inklusive nachhaltige Entwicklung in Hochlandregionen (Highlands – Inclusive Sustainable Development in Highland Regions)
Oliver Bender; Fernando Ruiz Peyré (IFG Innsbruck); Martina Neuburger; Tobias Schmitt; Jana Lüdemann & Katrin Singer
Time Period: 2020-2025
EU Horizon 2020
More information
Geografisch post/kolonial (Geographically post/colonial). How the World is Created from Maps and Images
Martina Neuburger (PI); Corinna Humuza; Sonja Kanemaki; Katrin Singer; Carsten Gräbel & Anna-Maria Woszczyk
Time Period: 2018-Ongoing
partly anniversary fund of the University of Hamburg.
More information
Wasserbedarf und Wasserverfügbarkeit aus Gletscherschmelze im tropischen Callejón de Huaylas, Peru – Eine gemeinsame Fallstudie von Humangeographie und Hydroglaziologie (Water Demand and Availability from Glacial Melt in Tropical Callejón de Huaylas, Peru – A Joint Case Study of Human Geography and Hydroglaciology)
Martina Neuburger (PI); Georg Kaser (PI) (University of Innsbruck); Katrin Singer; Jana Lüdemann; Leona Faulstich & Wolfgang Gurgiser
Time Period: 2012-2014
More information
FremdTRaumA – Das lateinamerikanische Fremde im europäischen Eigenen (Foreign Trauma – The Latin American Foreign in the European Own).
Martina Neuburger (PI) Katrin Singer Silke Greth
Time Period: 2010-2011
University of Innsbruck, Promotion of Young Researchers
- Artographies: methodical-artistic approaches to space. Book presentation/vernissage together with Katrin Singer and Martina Neuburger at DKG ’23 in Frankfurt, 22.09.2023
- Challenging the Brick Walls: teaching critical of racism and postcolonialism in neoliberal university structures. Lecture with Martina Neuburger at DKG ’23 in Frankfurt, 21.09.2023.
- Cajas de sombras y teatro de sombras al encuentro de la narración indígena quechuahablante. Workshop with Martina Neuburger at UNASAM, Huaraz, 24.08.2023.
- De/colonial ecologies of water – When indigenous, feminist, and creative-art world-productions converge. Presentation at the Geoscience Colloquium of the University of Bayreuth, 127.06.2023.
- Feminist geographies: visual≈creative≈postcolonial. Lecture together with Katharina Schmidt at the Geoscientific Colloquium of the TU Dresden, 14.06.2023.
- Countermaps from the underground. Mapping workshop with the collective Karattack. Asphalt Blasting Festival Hamburg, 6.05.2023.
- The Elbe in the cinema box. A mapping trick film workshop together with Frieda Thoms, Sonja Kanemaki & Malina Niemann, 16 & 17.05.2023.
- Globalized Nature, Ecology, and the Future City: Learning from Berlin. Paneltalk at the British Embassy organized by HIAS, 15.06.2023.
- Postcolonial geographies in the German-speaking context – a mapping attempt.
Workshop of the working group AG KGGU at the conference Neue Kulturgeographie 2023 in Halle, 28.01.2023. - River walk – an exploration of creative ecologies of water together with Rebekka Kanesu at the New Cultural Geography 2023 conference, Jan. 28, 2023, Halle. Input audios to the river walk can be provided on request on your own river walk to
- be heard.
- Geocinema: “Being Compost” with Severin Halder, Jan. 19, 2023.
- K/artographic methods: in search of ‘new’ approaches to multiepistemic spatial productions. Lecture in the context of “GeoDiscourses”, Institute of Geography Innsbruck, 17.01.2023, University of Innsbruck.
- Overcoming adultism and adult-specific privilege in arts education. Workshop in collaboration with Christopher Nixon for the “Education & Outreach” department of the Hamburger Kunsthalle.
- Paneltalk at the Book Launch Event I “Natura Urbana” by Matthew Gandy, 7. 4.2022, Hamburg Institute for Advanced Study e.V. (HIAS).
- About the art of de/constructing maps. Workshop together with Katharina Schmidt in the context of the conference “Critical Mapping”, 29.4.-1.5. 2022, University of Halle.
- oUtSiDe ThE bOxEs: C/artographic Methods. Digital creative-artistic workshop as part of the mLAB Symposium – Other Cartographies, 7-8.4.2022, University of Bern.
- Multiepistemic ver/learning with and through water spirits. A letter about being, knowledge and relationality in not only but also addressed to Ichick Ollqu. Presentation at the Augsburg Research Workshop “the plurality of political ecology”, 06-07.05.2022, University of Augsburg.
- Creative studio “Artographies” together with Katharina Schmidt and Martina Neuburger. Workshop in the context of the book publication “Artography”, 20-21.5.2022, University of Hamburg.
- Mapping the Global Intimate: c/artographies for an entangled world together with Katharina Schmidt and Caro Schurr., 15-17.6.2022, digital workshop at the Feminist Geography Conference Boulder.
- Other/wise C/artographies. Lecture together with Katharina Schmidt at the Online Leipzig Geographic Colloquium on ‘Critical Mapping’, 7.12.2021, University of Leipzig.
- Cartographies of positionality. Lecture together with Katharina Schmidt and Corinna Humuza at the online conference “Das postkoloniale Museum”, 13-16.06.2021, Stiftung Historische Museen Hamburg.
- On the contaminated Geographies of Europe/Germany. Conference Paper together with Katrin Singer, Emma Monama & Martina Neuburger at the conference “Rethinking ‘Postcolonial’ Europe: Moving Identities, Changing Subjectivities” 10-12. 02. 2021, Justus Liebig University, Giessen.
- “Questioning own mapping practices: academic feminist communities, postionality and historical legacies”. Input together with Martina Neuburger & Katharina Schmidt at the event “Atlas in a day. Community” of the group Guerilla Cartography.
- “Looking Back to Look Forward: On the Postcolonial Presence of Contemporary Geographies.” Lecture together with Katharina Schmidt & Tobias Schmitt in the context of the event series of the Frankfurt Geographical Society: “Wissen. Power. Space. Stories of Geography”.
- “The city as an integration machine under pressure? Current Conditions of Living Together in the City.” Lecture with Anne Vogelpohl at the event “Qualität vor Ort: Kindertagesbetreuung in der internationalen Stadtgesellschaf”, Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg.
- P/Arts of knowledge systems on nature Reflections on creative methodology using the example of field research in the Cordillera Blanca/Peru. Presentation at the Arbeitskreis Landschaftsforschung, University of Hamburg.
- Tenemos mucho que decir, simplemente nadie escucha”- luchando por el (re)conocimento de lxs niñxs. Presentation at the conference “Lucha por la Tierra”, Lima.
- Postcoloial sketches on an Andean notion of nature in the plural. Presentation at the DKG ‘2015 in Berlin.
- “P/Arts of knowledge systems on nature – a feminist inquiry.” Paper presented at the AAG Annual Meeting, San Francisco.
- Proyectos científicos en discución – una reflexión crítica. Lecture at AK Lateinamerika with Leonel Alexander Menacho Lopéz, University of Bayreuth.
- Appropriation of spaces through visualization. Lecture together with Katharina Schmidt at the HGD Symposium and the symposium Visuelle Geographien (4), Flensburg.
- Looking for alternatives: Participatory approaches as a way to more resource fairness? Presentation together with Tobias Schmitt at the 1st Austrian Conference on International Resource Politics, Vienna.
(Complete CV can be sent upon request)
Teaching Insights:
Critical Mapping: Yuki-you. A flow-motion film of Critical Mapping. A production of the kartattack collective.
Critical cartography: Atlas 2020.
Creative-Artistic Methods: Student Publications by Anne Beetz, Helene Heuer, Max Jordan, and Alexandra Semenova in the anthology Artographies.
…to be continued…