- Urban studies
- Urban Souths
- Migration
- Documentary filmmaking and visual ethnography
“Io non vedo il mare | Border[scape]s” Director. Produced by Museo Madre (
“ Radio Riders” (2020) Produced by Scuole Civiche, Author, director, camera operator, and editor
Awarded at the Job Films Day 2020 and selected at the Work@Campus – Festival dei Popoli.
“ L’Adolescenza delle città” (2019), Director: Alessandro Penta. Feltrinelli production. Project curatorship and assistant editor for the film.
“ Mango’s friends” (2018). Author, director, camera operator, and editor. Fuorirotta production. http://www.-
Since 2019
- DAAD PRIME research fellow (PostDoc Position) in Urban Studies between the “Universität Hamburg” (Germany), the “University of Witwatersrand” (South Africa) and the “Università Federico II di Napoli”.
- Working Group “Critical geographies of global inequalities”.
- PhD in Regional Planning and Public Policy (passed with distinction) – IUAV-University of Venice (Italy)
Title: “Mobile Urbanity: Translocal Traders and the City in Southern Africa”.
Supervisors: Professor Balbo M. and Pasqui G.
- Visiting researcher at: Faculty of Geography – University of Neuchâtel, on invitation of Prof. Söderström O., Neuchâtel (Switzerland) in 2016; Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, on invitation of Prof. Raimundo I. Maputo (Mozambique), November – December 2015; University of Westminster – Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment – London (UK) – February – June 2015; the African Center for Migration and Society (ACMS) of the University of the Witwatersrand, within the framework of the EU Program “Sharing Spaces. Research on intercultural cities and collective spaces” – Johannesburg (South Africa),
- Internship at the Centre for Urbanism and Built Environment Studies (CUBES) – University of Witwatersrand, on invitation of Prof. Huchzermeyer M.. Johannesburg (South Africa)
- Post-Graduate Program “COOPERA(C)TION Knowledge and Skills for Sustainable Cities in the Global South” – Polytechnic of Milan (Italy)
- Master of Science in Urban Planning and Policy Design (Magna cum laude) – Polytechnic of Milan (Italy). Title: “EgIptaly. Territorial survey on migration between Egypt and Italy”. Supervisors: Prof. Bricocoli M. and Prof. Pasqui G.
- Bachelor Degree in Urban Planning and Territorial Sciences (Magna cum laude) – Federico II University of Naples (Italy) Title: “Il waterfront di Portici come occasione di riconcettualizzazione del mare come bene comune”. Supervisor: Prof. Dal Piaz A.
Coming sooner or laterPiscitelli, Paola (forthcoming): Filmmaking as a transformative research tools. - In: Neuburger, Martina; Schmidt, Katharina & Singer, Katrin (Eds.): Artographies. Bielefeld: transcript.
2021Piscitelli, Paola (2021): In the waithood. Vecchi e nuovi confinamenti nella Johannesburg post-apartheid. - In: SOCIOLOGIA URBANA E RURALE N°43 (125), S. 80–95. Link zur Publikation.
2019Piscitelli, Paola; Troglio, Sara & Cittadidanza Europea (Hrsg.) (2019): Adolescenza delle città – Diario di una metropoli che cresce. Milano: Feltrinelli (= Utopie, 83).
2018Piscitelli, Paola (2018): Mobile Urbanity in Southern Africa. The socio-spatial practices of informal cross-border traders between Johannesburg and Maputo. - In: Petrillo, Agostino & Bellaviti, Paola (Hrsg.): Sustainable Urban Development and Globalization. New strategies for new challenges—with a focus on the Global South. (= Springer eBook Collection Earth and Environmental Science). Cham: Springer. S. 33–47..
Piscitelli, Paola (2018): Mobile Urbanity. Translocal Traders and the City in Southern Africa. Rome, Milan: Planum Publisher. Link zur Publikation.