He was born and raised in Mexico. He holds a Bachelor in Law (Mexico), a double Master degree in Natural Sciences and Resource Management (Mexico and Cologne), and is currently a PhD student (Hamburg). His interest started with creating and evaluating public policies in the environmental area. Afterwards, he worked on risk, vulnerability, and finally, political ecology. He had the opportunity to work on evaluating local laws for the conservation of natural areas in Brazil. He also worked on analyzing farmers‘ vulnerability in southern Morocco and South Sudan. Now, he is working on analyzing the different discourses on and about the Brazilian Amazon land use and forest from a Pluriversal, Multiepistemic and Latin American perspective.
~ Risk and vulnerability management and assessment ~ Political ecology and governance ~ Discourse analysis
since 2019
- Research associate at the Institute of Geography, University of Hamburg.
- MSc in Environmental Resources Management and Development (ENREM) | TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences, Germany
- MSc in Environmental Sciences | Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi, Mexico
- Law Degree | Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi, Mexico
- Awarded the scholarship of the Center for Natural Resources and Development CNRD (DAAD).
- Awarded the scholarship of the National Commission of Science and Technology, CONACYT.
Coming sooner or laterTello, Carlos; Schröder, Lea S. and Neuburger, Martina (forthcoming): Rural producers’ discourses on the Brazilian Agricultural Frontier: between local and external narratives on land and forest. - In: Die Erde.
Lüdemann, Jana; Neuburger, Martina; Lange, Jorid; Monama, Emma; Singer, Katrin; Schmitt, Tobias; Schmidt, Katharina; Tello, Carlos; Hartmann, Max & AG KGGU (forthcoming): Dekoloniale Geographien lehren und lernen? Revisited: Trial-and-Error Nr. 2. - In: Bading, Cornelia & Panenka, Petra (Eds.): Universität – Macht – Wissen: Postkoloniale, feministische und partizipative Perspektiven im Kontext akademischer Lehre. Heidelberg: Springer Spektrum.
2023Tello, Carlos and Neuburger, Martina (2023): Pluriverse in science: Discourses of Amazonian land-use change and socio-environmental (in)justice. - In: Erdkunde Vol.77 N° 4, pp. 263-285. Link zur Publikation.
2019Arbeitsgruppe Kritische Geographien Globaler Ungleichheiten (AG KGGU) (2019): Die Ausstellung „geografisch post/kolonial: wie aus Karten und Bildern Welt entsteht“ als Hausaufgabe. - In: Feministisches Geo-RundMail N°80, pp. 98–101. PDF herunterladen.
CLICCS C2 – Climate, Climate Change and Society – Projekt C2: Szenarien für nachhaltige Landnutzung: Böden, Biodiversität, Wasser, Nahrungsmittel- und Energiesicherheit
Annette Eschenbach; Michael Köhl; Martina Neuburger; Uwe Schneider & Carlos Tello
Zeitraum: 2019-2025
Exzellenzcluster der DFG
Mehr Informationen
Land Tenure and Land Management in Latin America, Department of Geography, University of Hamburg (2020).
Seminar on Public Management in Local Governments at the School of Management and Public Administration, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Mexico (2014-2015).